The MCS ARRAY is available in 2", 4", and 6" printable area to 18" of printable area.
Reads data files directly including dbase, Access, ASCII, and Scitex. Rich Text Format support, Variable-data rotation in 1-degree increments, Advanced native barcode support including 2 of 5, 3 of 9, 128, Data matrix, Planet Code, Ect. Up, Left, Center, Bottom justifly variable data.
Print Speeds - 600 dpi: 9,000 pph, 400 dpi 16,000 pph, 300 dpi 18,000 pph, 200 dpi 32,000 pph, 150 dpi 36,000 pph.
International Language Support, Including all 24 Windows languages, including Japanese and Chinese
MCS ARRAY IMAGERS are modular by design and work with most inkjet bases, Incuding the MCS 1015 Inkjet vacuum Base.
Call Dave for more Info: 1-908-289-7900